Grouping components

There are components with a lifecycle closely related to other parts. For example, you install tires on specific wheels. The same happens with cassettes installed on rear wheels, inner tubes, brake rotors, and so on. ProBikeGarage allows grouping components so you can swap entire groups from your bike when you need it, as you’d do in your real bike.

This applies to your wheelsets (rim, hub, tire), cranksets (cranks, chainrings, protections) or brake sets (caliper, pads, lever, cable), for example. But it can work for any combination you might find useful in your setup.

How to group components?

ProBikeGarage allows you to install components into other components the same way you would install parts into bikes. You can choose installation and removal dates, specify in which types of rides you will use the component, etc. You can install components inside components inside other components, recursively. Child components usage will be updated based on its parent components, bikes, and installation dates.

Open your parent component detail screen (your wheel, for example), and scroll down until the "Parts" section. There you can see your component child parts or an empty list if there is none yet. To add a child component, press the "+" button under the "Parts" section. You can choose a new or existing component from the list, and finally select the installation dates.

Component empty parts list in ProBikeGarage app Component child parts list in ProBikeGarage app

You can also open the child component details screen and modify all its installations details in the "Swaps" section.

Component swaps list (installation details) in ProBikeGarage app

Open your parent component detail screen (your wheel, for example), and scroll down until the "Parts" section. There you can see your component child parts or an empty list if there is none yet. To add a child component, press the "+" button under the "Parts" section. You can choose a new or existing component from the list, and finally select the installation dates.

Component empty parts list in ProBikeGarage app Component child parts list in ProBikeGarage app

You can also open the child component details screen and modify all its installations details in the "Swaps" section.

Component swaps list (installation details) in ProBikeGarage app

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