Tracking maintenance for multiple bike setups

A new tags field has been added to rides, and can be used to mark specific rides so only components installed with tags in common will be attached to those rides. Whether you race, commute or train (indoor and outdoor) with the same bike, but with some different components, ride tags will help you define multiple setups for the same bike.

Ride tags input preview Component installation ride tags input preview

You can specify any tag to your rides and components installations, so you can customize your bikes setups as you like. Also, if you don’t specify any tag everything will work as usual.

By default all rides imported from Strava will have tags based on the activity: outdoor/indoor for Ride/Virtual Ride activity types or Indoor Cycling tag respectively, and ride/workout/race/commute based on ride type and Commute tag. Also you can specify custom tags by adding #hashtags to your Strava ride title.

Rides list with tags preview Components list with ride tags preview

More info

Check all the details about this new feature in our help section.

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